site creation software

Maps from Digital Data

The digital data collected during the excursion was used to create a number of maps and associated derived products. Andrea Pacific was key in creating the various QGIS projects and associated maps. These maps and webservices can be accessed in many different ways as highlighted below. All the services run locally at Jacobs Univeristy and require a password to access them. Please contact Laurenz Thomsen, Angelo Pio Rosssi or Vikram Unnithan for access credentials.  

3D Cesium Maps

A Cesium Service  has been installed to visualize parts of the excursion data. Here is the link to the select visualisations. Please use the Chrome Web Browser and not Safari.

Leaflet Static Maps

These are slippery maps that make use of the QGIS server and WMS services provided by the gisnix server at Jacobs University. Example 1, Example 2.


Lizmaps are QGIS clients that provide an excellent web interface to any spatial data. Some of the data sets can be accessed here

WebMap Server

The QGIS server provides WMS services and access to the QGIS projects collated by Andrea Pacific.
Please visit the docs pages for details on the WMS services


All the data that was submitted to Vikram Unnithan (Jacobs University) can be found and browsed here. This is an Apache Webserver which has also all the other webmap services (LizMaps, QGIS server etc) and the visualisation apps (Leaflet, Cesium etc) installed on it. A backup server for the data and applications is planned in the near future.

Jacobs University Bremen
College Ring 1
Bremen, 28759

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